Saturday, February 21, 2009

Celebrate Good Times! C-mon! Let's Celebrate!

Hey! So, what a week. First, let me start with my one year Anniversary of quitting smoking! Woohoo! I can't believe it! I feel like I am truly a "non-smoker!" Finally. I takes a good year to really allow yourself time to figure out how to function without a cigarette. I mean, there were days that I thought "what the hell" just smoke and deal with it later." And those days when I was stressed out or having a bad day, which a cigarette would have been the perfect release, but "no!" I talked my way through the agony and came out ahead of the "pack!" Get it...pack?! I know, I'm clever. So, celebrating that & my B-Day on the 19th (I quit smoking on my b-day last year) and passing my first Final.....big celebration....even if it's just going to Provo & eating at my favorite place....Artic Circle! I love their fry sauce! So, moving on....I have to work on my writing skills, APA style. It should be interseting. I'll let u know. By the way, I did a dance to the above Post Title song, "Celebration" when I was in dancing. I was about 12yrs. old and we wore these dance outfits styled like "The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders"....pom poms & all! I remember it well because it was one of my favorite dances while I was in dancing, oh, & "Putting on the Ritz." Just thought I'd share that with you.

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