Monday, February 2, 2009


Hey there. Well, it's Monday and I'm taking the day off to catch up on school work, and cleaning! I'm pretty much caught up on school work, except for studying for my exam which os on Friday, but the house cleaning....really behind. I don't even know where to start?! I did clean the fish bowl though....I feel guilty if I don't cuz fish need a clean house too! So, went to Salt Lake over the weekend to see my darling little nephew and he's getting soooo big! It's amazing how fast they grow, especially when you don't see them for a couple weeks....or even a couple days! He laughs and talks....ok, maybe not like real words, but baby talk. So cute! And he's funny! He got the funny gene...yay! We were going to stay overnight at the LIttle America, but of course, we drove home at 10:00pm with one headlight. Yep, just like the song...."with one headlight!" Seriously, it's so scary driving down the canyon, when it's dark...I mean pitch black outside and you can't see sh$#t! The whole time I'm waiting for a deer or some other wildlife to come flying (literally) over the hillside. So, I'm up against the windshield cuz I think I can see better the closer I am to the windshield?! Finally, when I got to the bottom of Price Canyon, I was able to sit back in the seat and relax a little. Too bad I woke up with the worst backace the next morning. Oh well, I'm just thankful we made it home safely & no animals were harmed as well. I just realized I'm really tired. darnit. I need to get busy so I can boost my energy level....ya right. Have a Great day ya'll. Peace.

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