Monday, February 23, 2009

Bachelor Night! Woohoo!!

Hey there. I'm sooo tired! It was my first day back to work in 2 weeks & getting up early & getting ready....I mean, I have to get up early anyway, but to have to get ready & out the door by 7:50am is harder than staying in my pj's until 9:00am & having my coffee sitting down instead of running through the house is definitley a job in itself. Luckily, I have the day off tomorrow cuz I was supposed to go to Orem to take some stuff back & my Mom was going to go with me but now she can't. But, I gotta do some work on my essay papers, so it worked out for the better. I can't wait to watch "The Bachelor" tonight! Eventhough he sent my favorite, Jillian home last week! I was so confused cuz I thought they totally connected & made a Great couple! This is why I'm single!! I just don't get it I guess. I'm not good at reading the "signs" anymore. I used to be, but now....clueless. Gotta go, I'm falling asleep. Peace.

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