Sunday, April 5, 2009

Are u Kiddin' me?!!

What is up? I'll tell u what's up? Well, nothing really, except one small thing....I'm sick! I know, I'm like, "are u kiddin' me?!!" I'm sure all u two people who have to suffer through my blog are tired of hearing about my nasal and sinus congestion.......bla! bla! bla! Trust me, I'm tired of talking about it but for some reason it seems to be interfering into my daily schedule & it's pissing me off. I finally got some school work done today, while in my jammies & fuzzy socks & robe & a sweatshirt......the sweatshirt is from Cancun about 16 years ago. It's the only sweatshirt I own. It's a good thing I chose it as my souvenir or I'd be really cold right now. It's black & I bought it at Planet Hollywood. fun stuff. Anyway, back to my sinuses....I started on an antibiotic on Friday and it's starting to kick in....kinda. OMG, my Mom is cooking bacon...I'm going to hurl. I have a final in the morning. It's so going to suck. I gotta get through it though. Then I can come home and go to bed! I can't wait. I still want to go to S.L. and take my brother his b-day gift. Hopefully, by Easter or Greek Easter. I was so mad that I couldn't go to church today. I tried...really, I did. I got up, made me a cup of coffee, which I have not been able to drink all week because it makes me nautious. I think it's the big antibiotic horse pill I take in the morning, but I make a cup of coffee and I eat 2 of my yiayia's twisted cookies ( no, I don't know the Greek name for them!). They taste sooo good dunked in coffee and then I take that horrible pill and then I hurry and eat a gummi bear vitamin to get the taste of the pill out of my mouth. Quite a routine, I know. I know now where my daughter gets it. That is why she gets a shot when she's sick. It's quicker than holding her down and trying to get a drop of medicine into her mouth. And the shot lasts like, a nano-second.....we have a really good nurse! I wish I wold have gotten a shot....maybe tomorrow after I take my test?! Maybe not. Peace.

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