Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Sick of being Sick!

So, I've had this sinus infection for about 3 weeks now & it seems t be getting worse! I have taken basically everything there is to take over the counter from sudafed (yuck!) to tylenol sinus, & even some nose sray crap that's supposed to brek up the congestion....I think it just shot it all back up into my sinuses! I have even been taking gummi bear vitamins, like 6 at a time....they taste better than real gummi bear candy! Not that I'm trying to be a vitamin pusher or anything, but they are yummy! I want to go to S.L.C. her in the next couple of days but I don't feel like doing shit! Seriously, if my headache would just go away, I would be a happy camper. So, what else? I start to think about doing the facebook thing & then I realize, I am one of those peole that if I do get on there...I'll never get off! It's my "addictive trait" syndrome....I'm serious. For those of you that know know it's true & if you didn't, I may have just answered alot of questions you may have had! Enough of that. Hopefully We can go up to see my brother soon & take him his B-day present. And maybe do lunch. We'll have to see how our schedules look. But most of all, to see my darling nephew! Love u Alex! See u soon! xoxoxo

1 comment:

Danny K. said...

Alex isn't reading your blog, so you can quit speaking directly to him.