Friday, March 27, 2009

I'm tired! No, like I want to just go in my room and go to bed & it's only 6:00pm! Teaching 1st graders can be exhausting! But, I love it! But I need a nap. It's probably cuz I went to bed at 11:30pm & got up at 5:00am. I can't sleep any later than 5:00am when I work for some reaon. Even when I don't need to get up that early, I still do. Sucks. Especially on Friday night, since I have big plans all the time! Yes, I'm kidding.....don't act like that! Hey, I choose to stay home & enjoy my alone time. Usually. Sometimes, it just happens that way, & I'm fine with that. Really, I am. No, really. Oh, just shut-up already! Know-it-all! I really need to get out more. It's not good when I blog to myself & I'm not even drunk! I haven't had an alcoholic beverage since, Last summer at the Greek Festival. I had 2 beers....the kind with the lime flavor, I think they are Miller brand..I dunno. But they were pretty good. Better than regular beer. I like beer with lemon and salt, so beer with lime is close enough. Ok, enough about my big night of consuming 2 beers without getting into trouble.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need to get you out a bit more.