Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Long post!

I feel the student "lack of sleep" syndrome kickin' in...even though I haven't pulled an all-nighter yet (well, not for the past 9 years anyway). I used to do all-nighters, but that was in another life. It's weird when I look back & the it's like I lived a different life in certain units. Like, in my teens, it was all about being cool & fitting in....hated my teen years. And in my twenties, it was about doing what is expected of a twenty year old, which was get a good job and get married and settle down and have kids. Ooops! Kinda missed those steps. And then the wonderful thirties, when I wake up & and go...oh, this is what life is all about. None of the things I thought was important in my teens and twenties are even important now, but they had to be then because that is what leads up to these years and without going through all the good and bad things then...I wouldn't be where I am today. Basically, I would do it all again. There are people I would like to tell...."suck it!" Just like Tina Fey got to do on tv. It just simply says it all, doesn't it?! But, I would also, tell my family each and every day, how much I love them and how fortunate I am to have them.....Mom, Dad, daughter, brother, sister-in-law, & nephew....love ya. And my yiayia whom I couldn't do without her help and her constant giving. How's that for a speech when I win whatever it is you win when you write an award- winning biography. I'm a dork. First, though, I got to write a research paper. I love that commercial where Amy Pohler's new show, has her say, "I thought the slide was too fast, so I put in speed bumps." My daughter cracks-up every time she sees that come on tv. It's hilarious! I'll probably not get to watch it though...I have to limit my tv time and I already have A.I. and DWTS and Lie to Me and The Mentalist (I only watch this cuz the guy in it is so cute!). Not that I get to watch all of these, but they are my first picks. Usually, A.I. is all I get to see during the week, since I do most of my studying at night. Gotta get busy....Have a Great Day.


Danny K. said...

You forgot to mention your "pre-teen" years that were all about Simon LeBon.

Anonymous said...

The speed bump commercial makes me laugh too. I like the other commercial too when the guy finds the dirty bra at the dump. HA!