Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter time!

Hey there. Took a final today while I was miserably sick. I had to ask the testing director for some kleenex cuz I forgot mine and she handed me the whole box. It took me about 3 hours to complete, which is an hour earlier than I expected. So, moving on. I am half way done with my research paper and I have started on my next course which is Liberal Arts (yikes!). Not one of my strongest subjects. Also, I have to do a presentation on my research paper, which should be really fun....not. I can't wait to get out early for Easter break. I'm so ready for it. And then for our Easter, Greek Easter. I love going to church and hearing the choir sing. It's so beautiful. We really do have an amazing choir. It's such an overwhelming feeling when you come to church for Easter. I mean, how can you not go on Easter. Now I'm getting a little to personal, but really, how can you not? Yes you, D.E.K.!


Danny K. said...

Is D.E.K. a reference to me? Are you wondering why I don't go to church on Greek Easter? Wouldn't it be worse if I only went on Greek Easter and not the rest of the year? Have they added anything new to the service that I'm missing? Celebrity Dancers? Flames? A man hooked up to cables pretending to ascend to heaven?

chris said...

As a matter of fact, we have "Greek Icon" on the first Sunday of the month. You get to vote on your favorite icon and whichever icon gets the most votes moves on to the next round and the final icon winner gets to be displayed somewhere sacred in the church. You should go.

Danny K. said...

Hahaha, that's really funny. I bet the priest does a great Simon Cowell especially since they dress alike.