Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Term 1...DONE!

So, One term down...three to go, I think?! I can't believe I finished my first term already! It's crazy cuz it seems like I was just wishing I could go back to school (Grease 2 comes to mind....Oh no, I gotta go...back to school...again!) and all of a sudden here I am! I'm truly grateful for having the opportunity (again!) to go to school. And, I'm smarter than I thought! No, really, you have no idea (well, maybe you do?!) how hard it was for me to figure out how everything worked as far as going to school online. I had to enroll in my courses and then register in learning resources and different sites to go into for writing papers and activities for classes and e-text books and so on. And that was just the setting up part. Then came the actual classes and how to go about scheduling my time for school work and everything else, like work, daughter, cleaning, walking, groceries, and playing the Wii! Well, so far so good, I guess. It was a close race though, cuz I barely got my last assignment in today, which was the last day to submit work, and low and behold....done! Now on to term 2...starting tomorrow! Big break in between terms, don;t ya think?! Crazy. Oh well, I just want to get'er done. G-nite.

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