Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Looong Day!

Hey there. Oh what a day today.....junior high can be exhausting! But, it's good to know that some teenagers still ask for advice and listen to the advice you give them. They may not take it, but at least they're listening...I think?! Anyway, I drove to work today, which I had a 15 minute commute and I was on "empty" in my car! How I love a challenge! Kidding. I was running late and I didn't have time to stop & fill up. But, I kept the heater off to save whatever little bit of gas fumes I had to run on. Oh, and it was 17 degrees when I went to work this morning. Nice. So, I get home and I want to climb into bed and sleep until Friday, but I have sooo much work to catch up on for school. I still have 2 essays and my mentor just informed me I should be thinking of a topic for a research paper. I asked her if she could give me an example and the examples she gave me were ones other students are using for their research. My goal for the week is to do my pre-assessment on Lanuage Arts.....I know that doesn't sound like a very big goal, but trust me, it is. There are other goals throughout the week I set for myself, like "try to shave my legs at least once a week and try to stay up past 10:00pm on Friday night" and Sleep in on Saturday!" Yep, big goals. Ok, gotta go. Peace.

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